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Estate a Quartu: Piero Marras

Estate a Quartu 2021
21 August - 9.30 pm
Piero Marras in concert
Piazza 28 Aprile Quartu Sant'Elena

Piero Marras - piano, guitar and voice
Maurizio Vizilio - drums
Stefano Casti - bass
Gianluca Gadau - guitar
Manuel Rossi Cabitza - accordion and piano
Roberto Putzu - keyboards
special guest Gavino Murgia - saxophones

Forty years of songs for an autobiography in music: the Nuorese singer-songwriter Piero Marras talks about himself through the notes of tender and biting ballads and more rhythmic and engaging pieces, in an anthology that traces the most significant moments of a career that began in the middle of the Sixties, and which still continues, with albums such as "Ali di stracci" born from the meeting between the artist and the writer Salvatore Niffoi.

Journey through melodies, memories and emotions with an engaging and unforgettable concert, in which Sardinian culture and language and rock metrics merge, in a sound search for identity - between art and commitment, with the extraordinary participation of the jazz player Gavino Murgia.

(Source: www.facebook.com/estateaquartu/events)