+39 335 686 6211

The exhibition Oltre i muri

Next weekend the former Capuchin Convent of Quartu Sant'Elena will host the exhibition "BEYOND THE WALLS", which will be open for free from 20 to 22 May at the following times: Friday 20 from 4pm to 8pm, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 8pm.

The exhibition, which is part of the "Beyond every wall… a face" project, aims to promote the integration of foreign communities present in the area with local ones, in order to increase their knowledge and cultural richness.

Collaborate: the Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena, the La Matrioska association, the Migrantes Foundation and the Missionary Community of Villaregia.

For info:
Rossana Marra
cell. 345-3057003