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Kyma Festival, september, 1-2

Also this year the fascinating location of the Roman Villa of Quartu Sant'Elena, Sant'Andrea, will host the "Kyma" Festival of Art and Literature. Conceived only last year, it manages to involve souls thanks to a series of events that stand out for their originality, all focused on the theme of the sea.

Two days of workshops, painting, poetry, literature, music and dance conceived by the writer and choreographer Maria Teresa Fadda and the Viamentana Teatro Association.

These are the scheduled events:
September 2, 2022

h. 17 / 18.30 "Monstrous Findings", creative recycling workshop organized by the Oikos association (for children aged 6 to 11, by reservation)
h. 17 / 18.30 Sensory workshop on the sea, organized by the Altri Passi association (for children aged 4 to 8 years, by reservation)
h. 18.30 / 20 "A sea of paper", origami workshop by Paolo Boi (from 6 to 99 years, by reservation)
h. 18.30 / 20 Presentation of the books "Bartolomeo Salazar. The last doctor of the plague "by Stefano Obino and" Le Cogas ". The terrifying discoveries of Dr. Kraus" by Ilenia Loddo, Camena editions, edited by M. Teresa Fadda. The author Ilenia Loddo and the publisher Andrea Fulgheri will be present
h. 20:15 "Kamishibai", paper theater show for children, by actress Milena Petilli

September 3, 2022
From h. 17 Live painting
curated by the Art Academy of Cagliari with Ilenia Loddo, Gloria Pitzalis, Simone Piras, Sara Paravagna.
h. 17/19 "The hidden poetry", Maria Teresa Fadda's Caviardage Workshop (from 6 to 99 years, by reservation)
From h. 18 "La Medusa", Live performance and makeup by Theo Piu. Choreography by Theo Piu and M.Teresa Fadda. Emma Dessy, Federica Loi and Marzia Ballesio dance
h. 19.00 "The fantastic creatures of the sea", Literary Lounge by the Le Pergamene di Melquiades Association, with Danilo Mallò and reading by the Ass. Viamentana Teatro, with the actors Giuliano Pornasio, Irene Pala, Carlo Soro, Evelina Bassu and Marcello Armellino
h. 20:15 "Denge Mezopotamia. Salt water dreams ", by and with actress Valentina Sulas and musician Mübin Dünen (guitar, santur and ney)

For info and reservations for the Labs:
+39 348-82.96.396